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Personality Aspects of
Divine Feminine & Masculine
Accepting the whole; where I am with my journey of embracing and empowering the divine feminine and masculine within me. Free list of Feminine and Masculine Attributes and how to take your journey to the next stage.
As those of you who read my random thoughts on a regular basis may know, and those of you who haven't subjected themselves to my inner monologue before, I have spent a long time trying to heal, embrace and empower the divine feminine within me.
Although I realised I was rejecting the divine feminine within me on some level, I really only got the core of this over the last two or three years.
Some of the issues were previous life feelings of injustice or guilt and shame which I had brought forward. Some of it was learned or inherited behaviour (thanks to that amazing DNA to pass on what it needs to in order to allow us to survive) where I saw typical females attributes as a weakness.
But I had many divine masculine strengths within me which I had relied on for a long time. And strengths which I relished and enjoyed. As an adult they became my default setting.
But it has taken me some time and reflection in order to truly understand where I was, where I am and where I want to be with this.
You have probably heard me (or not if you've only just stumbled upon me - ooh matron!) talk before about how using the typically Divine Masculine attributes of outer action and anger in order to bring the Divine Feminine forward have been essential. But increasingly this is becoming less needed and in fact somewhat blocking, as society and men within it, raise themselves up to meet the Divine Feminine. If we are able to heal the anger and trauma against the Divine Feminine within us, we will allow ourselves to energetically raise our vibration to where it should be (lets face it; holding onto that toxicity is damaging. If you'd seen the photos of the endometriosis I once had, you would see what I mean!), we can raise ourselves up to meet the Divine Masculine.
The typical stages of grief for me are the same for me as any healing process.
Denial, Anger, Bargaining (reaching outside of ourselves), Depression and Acceptance.
I realise I have been working through stages 3 into 4 for the last year, and over the last few months moving between 4 and 5.
So, bringing myself to a place of acceptance. And this is a place of total self acceptance, as, let's face it, I am just working on myself.
So, if I have totally accepted my Divine Feminine now, what is the missing piece which means total acceptance of self that I am not quite reaching?
The Divine Masculine of course!
In working with the Feminine, no matter if you work through is Spiritually or Earthly, we do not do this at exception of the Masculine. We do this alongside the Masculine.
If we do not embrace the Masculine within us, we reject whole parts of our personality. These parts, untended, become wild, rampant and uncontrollable. If we sit too long in the pure Feminine energy, we are in denial of the Masculine aspects of our own personality.
No matter how much we like the idea of being just Feminine, we are not. We are both. We are built in the God's image; which is a Source. An energy point. A whole.
So we must accept the whole within; a perfect expression of the Divine incarnate.
I have spent the last few years working so strongly on the feminine, that my masculine has sat at the back for good reason. Now it has shown itself, through healing areas presenting themselves, that they need attention. In the same way I healed, balanced and accepted my feminine I must finish the process with my masculine attributes.
Of course our own personalities will determine where our personality lies on that realm but don't panic if you have more masculine aspects than feminine. Or you are not a perfect 50/50 split. You are who you are and to feel shame or be in denial about half of yourself, just to fit into a feminine ideal which doesn't exist, is just plain silly.
I have compiled a list of personality traits on the attached picture and where I feel they sit on the Masculine and Feminine archetypes. Take some time to truly look at yourself, especially those aspects of your personality which you haven't embraced for some time, parts of yourself that you have forgotten and you may actually love. Parts of yourself that you last saw in yourself as a child or a youngster.
A conversation with someone who said women were bitchy at work because they were 'forced into masculine roles' made me consciously readdress where I sat with that. I actually disagreed with this lady on a day where we were exploring the divine feminine, among other things. But thank her for drawing me further on this development.
For her it sat outside where she felt her role lay. For me; I loved it! And was the opposite of forced into a role which lay outside myself.
But for me, corporate work had been an expression of me for a long time. Sometimes I worked for organisations I didn't like but I held my integrity while doing so. And while excelling in my role. Did it expose me to a huge amount of sexism? you better believe it! But it also gave me the opportunity to heal the wounds that sexism exposed. And I relished the stints in London where the other half and I would go for drinks after work and meals out; falling asleep on the train on the way home. Or when I worked with a bunch of lads and I could go for lunch with them knowing there was nothing in it bar a chat and a laugh, and give as good as I got on the banter.
The women I came across who, either were beneath me or above me in terms of corporate pecking order, who were 'bitchy' may or may not have felt forced outside their roles. But it was there own insecurities seated within their Divine Feminine attributes, which led to them acting out towards me as another female, rather than against other males within the office. And I wish them luck on their own healing journeys.
For me, the 'providing' was an aspect I excelled in and I struggled to let go of that in terms of understanding that providing meant more than money. It is an area I still excel in and am able to span both the masculine and the feminine as to what I provide for the household.
And so my current journey continues in this vein. As I take my time understanding and accepting both my masculine and feminine attributes wholly, I heal, embrace and empower the whole of myself.
I am currently working with an aspect of my divine masculine as he presents himself to me, alongside the aspect of the divine feminine as she presents herself to me (those of you who work with the Tarot may understand that I see these similarly to the King of Wands and the High Priestess).
You may do the same or find a pairing, or the masculine counterpart to a Goddess or Angelic Being, to help assist you in this. Print off their photos, draw them, write their name on a piece of paper or reinforce your connection to them via prayer or intention daily. Know and understand each thing that happens in your life is an experience they have helped facilitate in order to allow you to become the wholly accepted being you want to be. It is your job to identify, heal and accept these experiences, no matter how easy or how difficult they are.
When we ask for help it is vital and imperative that we accept these experiences for what they are; areas for healing and self expansion. It is so easy as a human to ignore or reject difficult experiences and feel we are victims. This can lead to what gets classed as 'Ascension Symptoms' or 'Energy shifts', and is in fact us bracing ourselves and blocking our progress. Even those working nationally and internationally within Spiritual circles fail to pass on the vital information that the sooner we identify and accept these experiences as areas where we need to question ourselves or our motives, the sooner these symptoms leave with no return.
The Universe will keep presenting these lessons for us to learn, which leave us feeling trapped or travelling backwards on our journeys.
It is hard to start with, but the more you work on healing and embracing the areas which present themselves, the easier it gets to identify and work through the next and the next. I promise!
Archangel Michael (and his feminine counterpart Faith) has presented himself as facilitating me on this part of my journey and for that I am eternally grateful (What a great old friend he truly is; I wasn't going to ask for outside help. He knows me too well!)
I would love to know where you are on your own journey of aligning your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and accepting the whole of yourself. Or where you feel your balance is on the Feminine and Masculine attributes.
I hope you find this helpful. It was a joy to write.
Love as always
Rachael x
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