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Fairies, also known as the nature angels, are part of the elemental realm of air, fire, water, earth and ether. They reside in a dimension very close to our earth realm where they perform their divine mission of protecting nature and the animals. Faery Reiki strengthens your connection to the faery realm and the elements. It helps to cleanse and release negative emotions (Water), connect to your higher self for inspiration (Air), release negative karma and aid manifesting of dreams and goals (Fire), provide grounding, balance and stability (Earth) and helps release doubt, fear and anger (Ether/Spirit). Faery Reiki balances the emotions, improves inspiration and motivation, increases your sense of wellbeing and helps clear blocks in the root chakra to improve creativity and manifesting of success and abundance. Each session includes a short Fairy Oracle card reading to give insight into a particular area of concern in your life.
How Faery Reiki has changed me
Connecting to the Faery Realm has probably been the biggest development on my spiritual journey since I was first attuned to Usui Reiki in 2001. Since my attunement I have noticed subtle but strong prompts: all my make-up, toiletries and skin care products must be totally cruelty-free from now on. I now feel a much closer connection to animals and have an even greater appreciation of nature than before. I’ve also found a new hobby or mission of buying the most sorry-looking plants I can find and reviving them with Reiki, water and lots of TLC, as well as an urge to pick up litter when walking round my local park. I can just imagine the kind of caring, compassionate world we could live in if large groups of people all over the world all felt the same.
Client Experiences
Having performed several treatments now, various patterns or similarities are emerging in terms of clients’ experiences during a Faery Reiki session. People usually report seeing their own visions of fairies, nature spirits and/or power animals. Many go on their own journey to the Faery Realm, often receiving their own guidance or sense of knowing regarding current matters of concern. One lady I treated had a very powerful visual experience: I will let her describe her experience in her own words in this extract from her testimonial:-
“I then lay on her couch where she took me through the most creative journey of colour, texture and what I can only describe as pure magic. For an artist I can only describe this as paradise. I was cleansed with air, fire and water and felt them all right from the core of the earth up into the universe. My fairy … opened a door into the natural world and I had a front row seat. For 30 minutes I was transfixed by light and the most amazing colour that I would struggle to replicate with any artists’ paints. The words whispered were “Look after our Earth”. If this is my job then I will abide. Whether you feel there is a vocation or just want to tap into this faerie realm… this treatment is not to be missed.”
Clients also seem to receive their own particular fairy blessing, whether it be creativity, emotional stability, peace etc. This energy is truly powerful and life-changing. A Faery Reiki session is a truly fascinating experience – ideal for anyone wanting to reconnect with the nature kingdom and the magic of life.
Special Introductory Offer
This unique 1 hr session, including short fairy card reading, is available on special introductory offer of £25 until end of July, after which it will be £30. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to try it for yourself!
Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Faery Reiki Master, Spiritual Consultant and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics.
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