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Crystal Dorje
The Dorje (pronounced door-jay) is a Tibetan spiritual-magical implement of great beauty and utility. It encompasses both art (as an artistic-archetypal representation of the ultimate spiritual dynamic) and function (as a form-energy transceiver, an active meditative-ritualistic component).
While “Dorje” and its corresponding Sanskrit term “vajra” are generally translated as “thunderbolt” — a useful symbol for this device as it was archaically the thunderbolt of Indra, the Hindu Jupiter — the true meaning is actually far more comprehensive. The Dorje represents the highest spiritual po

Crystal Dorje
wer, that which is irresistible, invincible, indestructible and inexhaustible -- free from conflicting emotions.
In Tibetan “do” means “stone” and “rge” means “master”, and the “master stone” is considered to be the diamond: for its nobility, purity, clarity and ultimate hardness. The Master Stone is of course the Philosopher’s Stone or prima materia of the Alchemists, and this symbolism is apropos for the dorje. The secret of the Philosopher’s Stone is that anyone who attains it can no longer use it for base purposes such as riches and immorality as it will leave them spiritually dead.
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