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tumble stones
Children of all ages love Crystals and seem to have a natural ability to choose the right crystal for them and know just how to use it. Often using their own senses to explore a new crystal or stone Children respond very quickly to the healing properties of crystals. Crystals are a gift from earth and children find themselves drawn to their energies, beauty colour and form. The world of crystals is a truly magical colourful place for children.
Tumble stones are fabulous for children with their smooth edges, beautiful colours and different textures children love to curiously prospect around comparing, and examining the beautiful polished stones Many geologists will tell you that their fascination with rocks were first triggered by tumble stones.
There are a number of stones which are extremely beneficial for children here a just a few.
Amethyst: This is one of the most popular stones for children; Amethyst can encourage a child to focus when needed so is perfect for when children are taking exams or just struggling to concentrate. It is a calming cleansing stone which will also help if your child is having bad dreams.
Clear Quartz: Another popular stone for children. Clear quartz is the confidence crystal and can burn off any negative emotions. All children should be given a piece of clear quartz to carry with them through life. It will gradually increase in power and can act as their very own good luck piece offering protection with its all-purpose healing properties. It is a perfect stone to have in the bedroom.
Tigers Eye: Tigers eye is a stone of protection and can be a great help to children

that are being bullied. It is also a grounding stone and can pull dreamers back down to earth and can help put thoughts into action.
Green Aventurine: Can help overcome shyness, this stone can also help children take more care with their school work and help improve handwriting. It is good for anxiety and panic attacks. Green Aventurine can help induce psychic dreams so be careful about putting this in a child’s bedroom unless you feel they are ready for this.
Rose quartz: This is a beautiful stone and can help children to learn self-love. With its strong heart energies and soothing vibrations it can help with hurt feelings. It is a wonderful protection stone for children and can be particular helpful for earache and stomach pains.
Moonstone: Moonstone Another favourite for children it can be particularly helpful for children who suffer from night terrors. And can help calm hyperactive children encouraging a restful night’s sleep. Moonstone is ideal for a new baby’s room as it can help establish a regular sleep pattern.
This is just a short list of some of the best healing crystals and stones to help your children. Remember they can carry them in a pocket, or sleep with them. Crystals often get lost and misplaced by children, I personally have had experience of my crystals just disappearing this is OK Just explain to them that when this happens it is because the stone has done its work sometimes they disappear and do not come back sometimes they reappear it might be an idea to have a few to hand for when they are ready for a new one. Be confident that they will choose the right stone for them.
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