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Reading Unit In Leigh
Personal one to one readings in a private purpose built unit in Leigh indoor Market Gr Manchester/Wigan.
Your reading can be a psychic reading focusing on you your past/present and future this is done with me linking to you from your aura and also using angel cards or a spiritual reading which is connecting with your friends and loved ones in spirit or if you wanted a mix of the two.
Psychic reading 30mins - £20
Spiritual reading 45mins - £30 (includes a complimentary cd of your reading)
Mix of both psychic + spiritual reading 60mins - £40 (includes a complimentary cd of your reading)
If for any reason a strong enough connection/link cannot be made with the sitter then the reading will end and there would be no fee.
I have seen spirit since the age of 4yrs old and have worked as a medium, psychic and paranormal investigator for several decades now and have a lot of experience of pretty much most things paranormal.
I also help genuine people with possible paranormal disturbances at there homes and this is a service that there is no fee for.
I pride myself on being a genuine and caring person and when I am giving people readings to give them a very uplifting and positive experience, which I believe my reputation confirms that.
If you are ever passing my unit please come and read the comment book we have there or see if I am available your more than welcome to come and ask questions or have a chat about what I do.
I also do home group readings see my website for detail
Check me out or contact me on my facebook page:
Gary Johnson Spiritualist Medium
Book or for enquires call or text on 07957972717 or
Email :
[email protected]
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