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Go to any Evangelical Christian church and you will hear the congregation and minister speaking in tongues as from the Holy Spirit, people deliver messages from Spirit in every Spiritualist church, voice hearers are common in our society but they are not all schizophrenic. The difference between someone who hears a valuable message - from the Godhead, and someone who hears a message - not of the Godhead, is that the Godhead delivers vital messages for our world and the others are misleading, meaningless or even destructive.
Originally from Inishkea in Ireland, Judith O'Grady is a biologist, a pagan and animist, a voice hearer and visionary, and the Head of a Druid Grove. She has had a career in veterinary medicine, and has extensive experience as a meditator, and has researched ancient religions. This is a tiny book of 52 pages but I needed to read it twice because I wasn't sure if I understood all that it was saying the first time, so deeply woven is the information it contains.
She asks the most imperative question of all those who seek messages from the Godhead - is it meaningful? and in what way is it helpful for the community or the world? Our current knowledge of saving the world, post
In ancient times, shamans and prophets advised kings and urged decision makers to take action on behalf of the community, but we have lost these specialists in the field of chastisement, warning and motivation to our detriment.
The author explains the process, examines and postulates about it. Judith believes that communing with Gods can inform us of what is important to our world. I would have liked to have She uses some terminology that I was not familiar with (Ze, Gods-land, the crazy-train, God-bothered people, etc). I'm not sure if the Gods have given her these terms or whether it is a fashionable language that she or others have created. Judith is God-bothered, despite her scientific background.
Judith follows the ways of Irish mysticism and now lives on a multi-generational urban farm in Ottawa, Canada. The book is published by Moon Books ISBN: 978 1 78099 281 5 and will be of interest to all those who wish to listen to hear the voice of Spirit and define its quality and importance.
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