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William Blake said," If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern."
One sees this in action every day, as our race chooses to barricade the doors of perception with the dross of materialism, bolstered by bigotry, fear and prejudice. The life that runs through my veins as blood is the same as the flow of the river, or the river of stars in the vault of night.
We, as a race, complicate our lives with worry... conditioning says we have to pay the bills, buy the 'necessities' of our particular civilisation, aim to be ahead of the race… but in doing so, we shore up the barricades even more, losing sight of who we are in the race to become what society expects us to appear to be.
Rules and regulations govern all our movements, and increasingly attempt to regulate our thoughts into a mould that is acceptable and politically correct… yet it is those who dare to step outside the mould who achieve the great advances in science, philosophy, medicine...
Strip away the trappings of society and we are a different race. Reality takes on a different hue, and the barriers of race, colour, creed, fall away. Perception is deceptive.
What we perceive as a solid object is merely a collection of free floating particles with measurable space between them and organised into a particular shape. It is not really solid. Solidity is our description of a perceived state of being. So to our physical senses, the solid and visible world is real, because we use those senses to experience and interact with this reality.
The same rule of definition must also apply to other states of being. What we experience in the mind is not real in physical terms, but we are not experiencing it with physical senses, and it is real in its own terms. Therefore reality must be relative to the sphere in which we find ourselves.
Reality is real according to the rules of the level at which it is experienced. Dreams are real when we dream them, imagination real when it absorbs our attention. These realms of reality interpenetrate each other and a thing conceived in one realm can be exported into another. What we can imagine, we can create or achieve at another level, according to the nature of that level. A dream may inspire the imagination, but the finished painting is a purely physical object. That physical object may also communic

ate with the imagination of someone else and inspire them in turn.
Much depends on our innate abilities and how we can train ourselves to translate the conception from one level into the reality of another.
We are centres of Light in the darkness of space and time. The centre is the deepest, furthest point inwards before starting the journey outward. It can also be a concentration, perhaps of knowledge or experience.
Light illuminates and clarifies. It is necessary for growth and health. We need light in order to see clearly. It is the opposite of darkness; a symbol of goodness, truth and knowledge. In the Bible it is a word often associated with Christ. The Lightbearers are those who bring illumination to the world.
A centre can be the culminating point of an inpouring; or a source, radiating.
Everything we know is made of centres within centres, like a great atomic dance. Centres attract and stabilise. Centres may absorb, or, like a city, radiate energy.
To pass through the centre one must take the longest road.
We receive light from the visible sun, absorbing and converting it into necessary components for healthy life, in a very similar process to photosynthesis.
We need to gather Light to promote spiritual growth in the same way. There should be a circular flow of Light as we absorb and assimilate in order to learn. What we learn we should then be able to give back, bringing a little light to those around us. Like a sunflower, we should consciously seek the Source of Light in order to grow.
Like plants, we live and grow in the Light, flower and bear such fruit as we are able, eventually to die. Should we not try and ensure that the seeds we leave behind are also capable of growth and that, as the decay of a plant enriches the earth from which it grew, our own death can return something worthwhile to the Source of Light?
Light pervades everything. Apparently invisible and colourless, refract it in a prism and it becomes a rainbow. The universal Light is refracted within each one of us, throwing a shower of rainbows into infinity. The colours merge and blend, changing hue and shifting as colours are added from other beings and species. They merge to form a vast web of Light. Every thread of Light is an integral part of the design, but the Web is greater than just the sum of the threads.
Only by rising high above would we see the Design clearly, alive with the brilliance of divine Light.
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