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Jay Love
Inspiral is proud to announce that we now promote Jay Love - the UK's premier trance and transfiguration medium.
A much misunderstood technique, true trance mediumship is a blending of our world and the Spirit world in it's truest form. Jay Love is a genuine exponent of trance - working without the need for cabinets, restraints, or any of the other theatrical paraphanalia beloved of less able proponents, and not only brings through your loved ones, but enables them to touch and hug you, just as they would if they were here today.
Transfiguration is a rare ability, and enables Jay to literally show you the face of your loved one. Using a thin ectoplasmic veil, the features of spirit people mould across Jay's own face, resulting in the amazing experience of actually seeing them one more time. This technique enabled the writer to see Jay transformed from a young Asian man, with very distinctive features, into their father - an 80 year old white man, and into their friend, who had a large birthmark across her face. In both cases, Jay was not aware of these people, and even if he had been - the ability to represent them on his own face would in itself be quite incredible !
I truly believe that this form of mediumship is the way forward - what better evidence can there possibly be than to literally physically see, feel and hear your loved ones from Spirit ? And how can this be anything other than real evidenc

Inspiral Mediums
e of life after life ?
Working with Jay, Inspiral are able to offer not only workshops to help you learn about trance and channel your guides, (see our masterclass page on our website - - all workshops come with a free demonstration by Jay himself afterwards, but also the chance to host private "trance parties" in your own home.
We will organise a visit for you and up to five of your friends by Jay, where he will sit privately with you and demonstrate his abilities, bringing through your loved ones. The cost of this service is just £30 per person, and can be booked by contacting us by e-mail to, or texting your booking requirements to 07908 632092.
Please do not miss out on the chance to see this exceptional young man working. For all who believe, and equally for those who do not - yet - this is a never to be forgotten experience of genuine trance and transfiguration - no bells and whistles, just honest mediumship presented with love.
Book NOW to avoid disappointment.
Workshops are in Thurrock on the 10th March, 5th May and 8th Sept. From 1.30 to 5.30, followed by a light supper and then a full trance and transfiguration demonstration by Jay himself. Cost all inclusive is just £40.00 per person.
Private parties of 6 can be booked as above.
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