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The Soul of Jesus
When we read the accounts in the Gospels of the trial of Jesus and His sentencing by Pilate to death on the cross, it becomes rather obvious that Pilate tried his best to rescue Jesus from His destined fate, and that it was ultimately the Jewish Sanhedrin and their vociferous group of supporters that were the primary cause of the crucifixion of Jesus. Pilate had a personal reason to protect Jesus - not too long before that fateful day, Jesus had healed Pilate’s son who was afflicted with epilepsy. Here is that story as recorded in the readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce.
None of the reincarnated souls of Pilate, his wife, or their son, had life readings from Edgar Cayce, if they were reincarnated at that time, but a number of people who were close to Pilate’s family were reincarnated and did have life readings. Mr.1217 learned that he had played a significant role in this healing. "21. For the entity then was of Pilate's own guard. The entity was given the privilege of being the companion or guard for Pilate's wife that brought their afflicted or epileptic son to the Master for healing. 22. Then in the name Romoluon, the entity gained; ..." [Edgar Cayce reading 1217-1]
Miss 324 also witnessed this healing in an earlier lifetime. "19. The entity then was among those of the household of Herod Antipas that made for such destructive influences in the minds of many as respecting those relationships with the activities of the Master. Yet when there had been those activities in which Eloin (the entity's name then) saw in person the healing of Bartimaeus and then the healing of the son of the Roman governor, the entity joined rather (with those that were of the royalty) with those people that aided in the distribution of the activities and in helping those people that made for the activities in many directions. While these activities were what would be called "under cover" in the period, the heart, the soul, the desire of the entity made for a period of contentment and peace, yet without turmoils and strife." [324-5]
Miss 1754 discovered that she was also privy to this secret when she was incarnated as a friend of Pilate’s wife. "43. There ye heard much from those of that land. For thy associations, thy environs during the experience brought thee in close associations with many of those of both sexes in authority in that land. For ye heard from the lips of Pilate's wife of how He healed her son that was a lunatic, an epileptic as ye would call. These made impressions upon thy mind during that experience, that sojourn. And ye wavered oft as to what would be thy choice, as to which group ye would join thyself when there were those as Paul, as Peter, who came, - Titus, Philemon. For ye were in the household of that family in which Philemon was a servant. 44. The name then was Teleman, ..." [1754-1]
Miss 1207, though not present for the healing in her Palestinian incarnation, was deeply moved by the revelation of this miracle. "24. The entity then was among the entertainers at the court of Herod. And if the entity will read oft the record of the dance of those that asked for the head of John the Baptist, there will come - with meditations - a feeling of emotions that may not be aroused by any other sort of experience. 25. Yet when those of that court came under the influence of the teachings of the Master, when there were the healings of Pontius Pilate's son by the Master, the entity then joined with those that are rather later spoken of as the holy women - that followed afar, yea and made for many preparations for those that were to come under the persecutions of those in the latter days. 26. The entity then, in the name Cleopeo, gained throughout; for those experiences in pomp and power, in the lowly walks among the needy, the persecuted, brought for the entity an inner feeling that should be kept even as the light burning within the heart ever, that may make for that as its ideal in all of its experiences in the present, even as it in the former appearances and experience held to the Law of One which was exemplified as the same through those teachings given by Him who was to the entity the friend and the Savior." [1207-1]
In his Palestinian lifetime, Mr. 1151 had been not only the husband of Jesus’ sister Ruth, but a Roman in a high position of authority overseeing the area and reporting his findings to the Caesars, as evidenced in his readings. "40. (Q) I would like to know a more detailed account of the report I made to Rome concerning the Christian movement in Palestine. (A) ... At the time when there was the recalling of Pilate, and the reports that had been made as to the activities of the wife of Pilate as related to the healing that had been accomplished in the household, then we find a very FAVORABLE report to the Christians - though the entity was questioned much by those who were directly under the supervision of the entity. But the report was accepted by the Roman emperor and acted upon according to the directions of the entity; that Pilate be removed, and one closer in association or in sympathy with the Christian movement be appointed in the stead - as is seen or is recorded by profane history as well as by intimation in sacred history." [1151-10]
It appears that the healing of Pilate’s son was not such a secret after all. The Apostles and other disciples of Jesus probably were aware of it. If so, was it deemed not significant enough to be written down in the sacred writings, or might it have been originally in the sacred writings and not selected for the scriptures, or even removed from the scriptures in one of the later rewrites? I would love to know the answer to that one!
© Doug Simpson 2014.
Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
All Rights Reserved
Previously published in Venture Inward magazine, April-June 2010, the magazine of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment.
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher who has turned his talents to writing. His first novel, a spiritual mystery titled Soul Awakening, was published in the United States in October of 2011, by Booklocker. It was reissued in October of 2012 by 5 Prince Publishing as Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. For further details visit them at It is available in print and eBook format through most bookstores around the world. Soul Rescue, Book II of the Dacque Chronicles was published in November of 2012, Soul Mind, Book III of the Dacque Chronicles was published in January of 2013, and Soul Connections, Book IV of the Dacque Chronicles was published in April of 2013. Doug’s first non-fiction book, titled The Soul of Jesus, was published by 5 Prince Publishing in January of 2014. In March of 2014, it earned recognition as a #1 Bestseller on Amazon, USA. His magazine and website articles have been published in 2010 to 2014 in Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His articles can be accessed through his website at
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