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Why do we need to study The Law of Attraction in depth? Anyone can make good use of electricity by simply flipping a switch, an electrician needs a thorough understanding of how electricity, conductivity and wiring works, if he or she is going to use it properly, or a baker is going to make a cake, the baker has to know exactly how many ingredients he needs and when and how to add them, well the same goes for the Law of Attraction.
Anyone can make it work for them by following a few simple steps, however the electrician and the baker began by learning the basics with a tutor and the same applies with The Law of Attraction.
So, you are probably thinking why do I need someone to teach it to me when I can just buy a book? Furthermore, if the law of attraction is so simple why are more people not doing it?
Well in reality they are, we are, because we are all of the time. It truly does not matter one iota whether or not we choose to use the Law of Attraction or we don’t because it is continuously in action in all of our lives all of the time. The only thing that I will say here is that is if we choose to use it intentionally to bring into our lives the things we truly desire and eradicate the ones that we don’t want in our lives, we can have a wonderful life. I would imagine that you would prefer to have more of the things that you truly want as opposed to you drifting along and accepting the things that you don’t want. So if this is the case then let us look at the so that we can get started.
Firstly, you must know what you really want. I would imagine that you have never really sat down and thought about what you desire and by this I mean what you truly desire.
Right the easiest way to find out what you really want is to start by making a list of what you don't want.
I know this sounds a little mad, however for most people who have lived their lives and been unhappy about their prospects; their career, debts, how they can never find the right relationship etc. If you're one of these people you're going to find it easier to just make a list of these don't wants’ and then turn them around 180 degrees t
o find out what you do want. It really is quite that simple.
Once, you have discovered what it is that you do want, expend some time asking yourself "is it truly what I want?”
Please don't pass over this stage because it sounds easy.
If you do not truly wish or desire something, you simply won’t receive it.
Why, is that you ask, it is because when you focus on something constantly, you will receive what you focus on the most. You must remember that it's what we are holding as our constant thoughts that we actually acquire in our lives. That is why you have you have your desired goal in mind?
Okay, so you now need to start adding emotion to it.
For example, let us imagine that you desire a holiday. Now this is the important link, you do not say that you want a holiday, for the reason that the universe will keep you wanting a holiday. If you truly desire something it has to be very specific, it is much more a case of desiring a particular type of holiday and expecting it to be the best holiday that you have ever had! You need to visualise your destination, how it will feel when you are there, how it will smell, what the food will taste like, and how beautiful the weather will be, (if you can obtain a holiday brochure, cut out pictures of your hotel and surrounding areas, discover the wonderful cuisine that is available and maybe car hire, it is imperative that you do all these things as this is manifestation) if you will have a suntan?
You're going to be using these to build up an image board to keep where you will see it several times every day. As many times a day as possible, and preferably much more, sit down and visualise all the things that make you desire your dream holiday. Look at your image board while you imagine the sounds, smells, touch etc.
Just keep doing your visualisations and you'll be amazed at how quickly you can manifest with the Law of Attraction.
Remember, what we think about, we will attract, so therefore be careful what you think about!
I facilitate courses and workshops for anyone that is interested in creating a truly wonderful life.
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