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Nick Writes
Dear Friends We are truly blessed, we have the distinction as Spiritualists to have it proved to us that the continuation of life is a fact not some whimsical idea or wishful thinking but a demonstratable truth..
Life for us takes on a different perspective, it ceases to become the whole but a fragment of the whole, we stand back and the picture
becomes clearer, things fall in to place, issues that were once major seem less so to us now as we are beginning to see the bigger
picture. This life, this precious life takes on a new meaning, a new richness, every moment in it
becomes an opportunity to learn, to grow... We are but travellers on a greater journey. We are just
visitors here, we come with nothing and we will not take anything with us when we go, Except our, mind and our Spirit, but with that, comes all the richness of experience that we have accumulated in our life time.
You see we know that’s what life essentially is! Life is an opportunity to grow a soul....
We can accelerate our development by paying more attention to the details in our lives, we can look at each situation whether it is positive or negative and say, What did I learn from that experience? What did that experience teach me? We can reflect and ponder the intricacies , the more we look the more we will see...
Sometimes from the darkest situation or experience we can discover hidden in it’s depths such wonderful and illuminating truths... But in order to do so we need to look a little deeper, to go beneath the
Our waking day our perceived realities are becoming more and more mysterious. Life itself is a truly mysterious and wonderful experience especially when we
begin to look more closely. Life is but a dream, someone once said... And it would certainly seem so at times with the way our minds can really influence the outcome of events and have such a profound impact on our daily lives. For
instance two people can experience the same thin but observe it from completely different perspectives... Positive thinking , words and actions, definitely help to
create a more positive and
creatively rich life. Recent studies supported by photographic
evidence supports this theory. Water crystals subjected to thoughts , words, and music showed structural changes on a sub atomic level that are actually observable... See The work of Dr Masura Emoto...
So we really do create our own
Another way in which we are able to maximise the opportunities for Spiritual growth within the precious span of this Earthly life is by monitoring our dreams. Dream states as we all know can be just and vivid and real our waking day. We can experience situations while sleeping that we would not normally experience in our life times, or even many life times. So why not view the experiences we accumulate in dreams as opportunities to learn, about ourselves, each other, relish every moment as unique... There are no two moments the same. When we are sleeping our minds are freed from the clutter of every day thoughts and we are like a new canvass ready to take on the oils and paints of new experience. Freed from the limitations of our Earthly bodies and limited thinking, our dreamscapes can take us to strange and mystical lands, new experiences and scenarios around every corner... Some dreams are shown to us by our Spirit friends, to help us in our journey, and I believe we should view them the same as any experience we have whilst on our Earth journey... As aids to learning. They are
evolutionary opportunities...
One with practice can master the art of dreaming... By becoming fully conscious whilst dreaming...
Known as astral projection or
Lucid dreaming
There is however a sad side to
becoming Spiritually educated. When we begin to adopt the light of Spiritual truth, we become painfully aware of the lack of it in
others... The sadness is not for ourselves but for the darkened minds and souls of other people.. Here in the west can be likened to a Spiritual desert, so devoid of any real Spiritual truth that it beggars belief...
Rather than be dismayed though, this is what drives many of us on... A Spiritual truth or kind and sincere word can be like a drop of fresh spring rain on the parched dry Earth... We Can Make a Difference...
I once saw a church sign that said
“It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”
Blessings Nick
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