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Over the last four centuries, and due especially to strong religious intolerance, the gulf between science and religion has deepened, with the majority of scientific communities opting for the materialistic paradigm. It has been no different within the context of Medicine, especially in the 20th century, when the field was strongly saturated with a reductionist vision that limited it strictly to the physical body.
However something new has occurred, particularly over the last decade with the introduction of the Spirituality factor in studies, research and in the practice of medicine itself. Within this movement, Spirituality has the connotation given to it by William James, i.e., the most elevated and noble sentiment joining the creature with the Creator. Thus, it consists of physicians and health professionals from the most diverse religious faiths, and even those who have no formal religious ties but who simply believe in the Supreme Being.
In the United States in 2001, almost two thirds of all medical schools already offered required or elective courses in Religion, Spirituality and Medicine.
If you are in the area of health care and want to know more about the Medicine and Spirituality, or if you enjoy dialogue and the free exchange of ideas, come to participate with us at the 4th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality – London 9th-10th November 2013.
It will be our great pleasure to see you there.
M Nobre / E Rossi
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