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Two huge, rotating, glowing, mist shrouded, mother-ship type UFOs have been seen by millons of residents in the Chinese cities and regions of Shahe, Xingtai, Ren County, South County, as well as Yongnian County.
The event occurred on the evening of 20 August beginning at around 8:30pm.
The UFO crafts hovered above, making large circles over the area, for over two hours and had locals terrified. Police received thousands of calls regarding the UFOs and various government authorities have rushed to the area to investigate further.
Officials have offered explanations as to what the object was. One theory is that it was a laser light show. Another that it was a bizarre weather pattern.
Interestingly China's mainstream media outlets conceded that the many witnesses who saw the UFOs were certain it was neither of these things.
The event has been widely reported by media within China.
Numerous photos were taken and one alleged image of the UFO can be seen below.
Xinhua, China's official government news outlet and that nations most repsected news service has reported on the event and has now released a video of the remarkable object. The video can be watched
here on Xinhua Net. Viewers should note that this object was seen in numerous cities over a vast area. With that in mind, judging by the video the UFO must be have been absolutely enormous. One thing all viewers might agree on is that this isn't swamp gas or an unusual weather pattern: as initially suggested by the authorities.
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