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In the world of Spirit money is seen as a form of energy which is a force of good. Here in the West, within reason we can choose our career paths and how and when to spend our money. Even with the United Kingdom suffering from one of the worst recessions in 60 years the generosity of this nation is overwhelming with over £70 millions being raised for the Haiti Earthquake appeal alone. This equates to over a £1 for every man, women and child in the UK and this is only one charity the British people have supported. This money as energy will go a long way in providing some immediate relief (food, shelter, access to clean water) in their suffering and help in the long process of rebuilding their lives.
Over the years it is heartening to see individuals seeking more organic food which is more attuned to Mother Nature which is what ‘She’ always wanted from the very beginning of mankind. Many companies have now set the standard in only sourcing and supplying Fair Trade products in use of their products. We as individuals now have a choice of purchasing goods and services that not only benefit us as consumers but the producers i.e. the cocoa bean farmers on the continent of Africa, surely this is what we as Spirit filled individuals should be aiming for? Organic foods and Fair Trade goods are now very competitive in pricing and availability.
In choosing wisely in how we spend our money is a force of good. The cotton growers of India should be able to feed, clothe and send their children to school as we do here in the West. In regards to the animal kingdom, animals that are reared for our benefit for food and clothing should have a quality of life in terms of allowing natural behaviour and humane ways of slaughtering. It is now possible to buy chickens with the label of ‘Freedom Food’, where the animal has been raised and slaughtered more in tune as nature intended.
Money as energy can do so much good to help fellow man and ease the suffering of the animal kingdom. Before we spend our money give thanks to the Universe on what we have got and then spend the money to energise the environment (organic foods), reduce suffering for our animal kingdom (Freedom Food) and help the farmer to feed, clothe and educate his/her children (Fair Trade).
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