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One must calmly accept what cannot be changed, however fearful that change. Every moment of ones life, every breath, should be a happy one to the real you. This happiness is really serenity which is not something that exists moment by moment, but is a living, continuing entity, an energy from the essence of life itself. It is not just a force which we draw from but one that man is already IN, if he did but know it.
It is ignorance, not knowing, plus his abuses of his own life and that of others, which keeps him from revelation, which bars to him the gates of enlightenment. Of course this is not so in the animal kingdom; all living creatures have that ‘knowing’ if it may be so termed, since they are not possessed of the faculty of reasoning. Perhaps if the Almighty Creator Logos had not endowed man with reason way back in the dim mists of time he would no doubt still be fully conscious in the spirit and endowed with great wisdom.
Man alone has lost that deep knowledge in the murky recesses of his negative and chaotic creations.
When one observes natural creation, storm and drought, flood, thunder, lightning, birds, plants, trees, oceans, rivers and mountains, all of it circling and spiraling around a common force, source one cannot but be awed and humbled by that which IS. A great example in man is that of a dedicated, skillful dancer.
When he or she dances, something comes from within, something wonderful, a kind of serene power, which explodes into action when needed. It is not only in the dancer but is part of the inner real YOU.
The ancient sages of India called it Prana or the inner soul force and learnt to live within it continually over many years of deep concentration thus overcoming pain and sorrow.
Many of todays ‘modern’ men say, “but pain is pain, sorrow is sorrow. ” This is true in a sense, nevertheless pain and sorrow are of the mind and the body. Bodily pain can be relieved by medicine, drugs, tablets, dulling certain centers of the mind so that the message of that pain is not received. What is that pain? It cannot be there if the mind does not feel it. The long distance runner often still feels pain the day or days after the event, but as time progresses he finds he can live with the pain, function through it. This is because the pain is not the core or centre of his life but merely a temporary part of it. It is within that core, that unfailing serenity, non-pain is found, unconsciously sometimes as with the runner. But of course that serenity should reached for consciously, constantly, and lived in.
What of the pain of the mind often caused by circumstances? Fear, anxiety, apprehension, rejection by others especially loved ones, their actions, words, deeds which are often thoughtless with negative effects which can wound and hurt. Pain of the mind can be the result of our own and other peoples acts on the one hand and our own state of mind and how we react on the other. We have no control over what happens around us, but we can always control our reactions if we remain rooted in our prana, our souls light.
As such the storms of life and circumstances can swirl around us and we remain untouched, the whirling
maelstrom cannot shift us. But it must be stressed that this is no instant ‘fix’. It takes months if not years to attain this stage. Again, it must be worked at constantly and there will come times when you fall and fail, fall and fail, but persistence is the key and what a glorious victory when that spiritual immunity becomes totally yours.
Robert Gresak
South Africa
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