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There are many stories on how your spirit is extracted from your bodies and carried over into the world of spirit. The reason for the numerous explanations is simply the fact that there are different ways in which we guide you over. The extraction of the spirit once the earthly body no longer functions is basically the same for all; it’s the placement of your energy within our realm that is variable. By this I mean that once separated in the “normal” manner from the body where a spirit finds itself after this event is that in which we find the variations.
As many of you who work in the spiritual field are well aware there are different levels of exposure to an energy, and I would say that if we could put it in a nut shell the simple answer would be “the spirit is placed in an atmosphere in which it is most comfortable”. Comfortable really equates to an environment that the energy is aware. So my friends the knowledge relating to the world of spirit does and for eternity will link with your personal placement once you are no longer experiencing the restriction of “body”. An “aged” spirit of vast experience would of course have a vast knowledge and if its last journey that knowledge had expanded then it would find itself “higher” but still within an atmosphere that was acceptable to it.
A spirit with little or no knowledge would have great difficulty if once extracted it found itself in a realm of the higher energies. This would not be “comfortable” for the knowledge found here would not and could not be of use to it. The complexity of this knowledge would be un- absorbable, leaving the energy in limbo, unable to neither progress nor return.
It is in a place of similarity we place those who find the “spirit world” a shock to the spiritual system. A world not that different from the one it left behind. From there it can but go forward, although many a return visit may be necessary to enable it to one day Passover into a higher place.
From the split second of extraction your spiritual consciousness awakens, whether it is one of little or vast knowledge, it will once again reign supreme and within it the truths that it has silently housed doing its earthly journey will become apparent. If that journey was a purposeful one then those experiences would of expanded it.
Even as you burden yourself with bodily matter there are some of you with awareness who sense maybe an idea as to where you may find yourself once passed, but let me say this, the “rules” that govern this are so complex that not all can be taken for granted, so as I have said on many occasions to my friend the only true way is to simply do your best, and when your day comes, where ever you may find yourself, I can assure you it will be an existence that will “home” to your soul.
© Kevin Cornwell
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