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Look for something positive in each day. Some days it may take a bit more effort to find something good in your day. Do something to make your life better or easier each day, or by simply crossing off something on your to do list, even if it is just the washing up or the laundry. If you have a partner or a good friend make a little effort each day to show them that you care, it could be simply making a phone call for a chat.
Do you know that your thoughts initiate energy? That this energy can go from your thoughts to anywhere in your body? If you think thoughts that are beneficial
to your health, and your well being you could save yourself from future health problems. Close your eyes, listen to your breathe, think of nothing for a few minutes, then say: I want healing energy to go to my (whatever your health problem is), or to my heart, lungs, kidneys etc every day.
A good habit to try to get into is- straight after every negative thought, think a positive thought. So that a negative thought doesn't turn into one after the other. Always follow a negative thought with a positive one. And always end the day with positive thoughts before you go to sleep.
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