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Over these last 2 years there have been a re-calibration of the inner energies of all life reaching from the smallest living thing to the universal living entities, everything has been affected by the light radiations and cosmic emission that are now prevailing in our self and the environment, things have had to change in these light frequencies and vibrations.
Everything and one is renewed and re-wired into the new age of divine light and power of the inner universe and the Infinite, Living, Organic, Conscious, Intelligence …
It is the time of the winter equinox, this means a time to re-adjust; for some it will be dramatic, for others it will be new and exciting as they move forwards into the new period of their life, some will move on into their future with great love in their heart’s others might not and they will also have to account for their own visions and views and actions.
One thing to know about all this is …everything IS correct and when done with heart/brain cohesion and deep love all will be well even if GREAT changes are going on.
Accept that the world will constantly move forwards and in doing so, things in life will also move forewords, it’s the natural flow of the frequencies and vibrations. Energy NEVER STANDS STILL it is AWAYS ON THE MOVE.
All of you are beings that have taken on the physical life as children of earth and are having the physical experience, it IS something you have chosen before you came to earth.
You came here to help to bring the new light in and anchor it into all things… you have the power to do this but it’s easy to get caught up in the inducements of the earth society and media controls.
It’s very natural and all you want to do is be “part” of it, the majority of souls will carry on until they are ready to change, but for those of you who are working for the light and ascension and might have slipped into the old ways through the need to just be who you were … now is the time to come back to your original path of enlightenment, and understand that you are a light being here as a human and able to change and adjust when needed.
And this winter equinox is just the right time to do it AND gain the wonderment of the upgrades that have occurred over the last months of this scared year, getting you ready to start the next sacred year of changes and alterations.
The light codes that are given with these words create the power of love and vibrations of this new powerful energy that you all hold now, to help you to lift yourself back into the enlightened way that you are meant for.
Life on earth can be the dream of all dreams when applied to the way of these light coded words of divine love from the pure intelligent source consciousness and absorbed and understood fully, and each time a year passes and the frequencies become lighter, you will be able to recognise this and activate the feeling in the universe within the heart of your body…therefor activating it throughout the whole of mankind and all other universes.
You hold the universe within your body and by recognising this you have the gateway to your divine self with all its creative power, you are holding God within the heart… recognise and use that power.
There is a multitude of light helpers surrounding you and earth at this time so that you can go forwards with the confidence of a light holder and bring it into the hearts of all who are near you and others who you are sharing it with.
The frequency and love being given is so high from the divine source and so deep that it can move a mountain when you put your’ divine focus into the truth of your existence and the love and light you hold.
Be love, be light, and be happy and share the power of this light out to others even if it in a simple prayer sent out to the world’s peoples.
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