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Space Cleared Therapy Room
~ creating the perfect working environment for you and your clients ~
As well as setting up my own therapy space at home previously, I have sound experience of working energetically with both people and places.
I regularly space clear the therapy room I currently work from in clinic. Rented therapy rooms often have the worst build up of energetic debris, as no one person is responsible for space-clearing shared rooms.
I have enjoyed clutter and space clearing my own home for many years -I became passionate about maintaining the look and feel of my room in the family home at the age of 13!
•Space-Clearing is fundamental to those working in therapeutic roles. When working therapeutically with others, negative vibrations are released, and being of a dense, heavy nature, tend to get stuck or build up over time in places. Old stuck energies create a dull, unpleasant environment, which is least beneficial in rooms where you wish to carry out treatments. Clutter clearing any items that are not necessary from the room will enable the energy to move freely. There are also energetic measures you can out into practice.
•In my experience, pretty much all therapies have the potential to fog up an e

Therapy Room
nvironment. Reiki, massage, reflexology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy - right across the board.
•The worst example I have come across personally, was on a week long course, when we were working theraputically on each other (so a lot of old energies were being released ) and no-one cleared the energy for days... halfway through the week the room fstarted to feel heavy and sickly. And someone remarked to out tutor, who then space cleared the room. The difference was incredible. I felt like I could breathe again and it seemed much lighter!
•Can you think of a place you have been were you did not feel comfortable/ perhaps it was cold, or felt uninviting for reasons you could not put your finger on?
Organising and creating beautiful spaces and enhancing the feel of them comes naturally to me. My mother used to be a Cabinet Maker; she designed and built many kitchens single handed (she runs life-drawing classes now) – I am sure I get my love of interiors and creative skills from her.
I run workshops on clutter and space clearing, which are ideal for learning about enhancing the energy at home, or in your therapy practice. I can be contacted through my website.
Best wishes,
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