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The whole of the Spiritualist Movement is now preparing itself for Its part in the Ascension process; like everyone else, it has its apprehensive moments; this shows itself among the attitudes of those who profess to be 'within the movement' - If you are being true to yourself as all should be anyway who are followers of the understandings of The Movement.
Everything has to expand within the framework of Itself right now, no mistake about that - in the process there will be MOVEMENT of everything and everybody - this means, that some will go, some will move 'upwards'. some will move 'downwards' and others will be moving in to 'The Movement', these will be quite different than what has been considered 'The Norm' Like all movement in existence within the universal life, there will be for a period, a chaotic state, the thing to do, while this state is now upon us is to hold fast to that Divine Essence which lies within the reach of us all, no matter who, or from what understanding we come from, we are all a part of this present MOVEMENT now taking place - let us all now learn to exercise our right to access our own Essence of our Existence, and then let us all interact from that point, so then will the One Abiding Truth which prevails over All Life on this planet come forth through the Channels of love and Light which we all are in truth; reflecting as we do the light of the Cosmos as it infiltrates into the Darkness of Ignorance.
The trouble seems to be, that we/most of those who are in 'The Movement' have allowed the lower energy centres to prevail; so we have ended up arguing; looking at what others do,using the energies of; greed; jealousy; gossiping, and putting our 'opinions' forward instead of just 'letting go and letting God' have a say in 'The Movement' Love and Light to all(-:-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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