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As many of you will know there is a spiritual awakening happening on planet Earth. I know it doesn't always appear to be this way, especially if you follow the News, but I can assure you many people are awakening in ever increasing numbers to who they truly are. The key is not to go into fear and buy into the old energies. If you need to teach others of the hidden truths that have long been suppressed from humanity, then do so in a loving way that doesn't allow fear to be absorbed by both teacher and student. We really are at a point where we actually choose the future we want to see manifested, so if you routinely focus and absorbed the fear based energies then that's the future you will be apart of. Look at it as two timelines splitting, one for the ascension and one for the fear based old paradigm. Just keep checking yourself which reality you would rather align yourself with.
How can we do this?
The easiest way is to go out into nature. Switch off the T.V, stop reading the papers and start enjoying life by immersing yourself in nature. Surround yourself with the natural beauty of the countryside, after all it's pure undiluted consciousness manifested. Recognise that you are actually One with it. Your are just a different aspect of the same underlying source but having a somewhat more complex experience.
I walked through a large wooded area over the weekend with my daughter, nature seems to calm her autistic mind. She really comes alive and appreciates it so much. As we walked through, I would try to connect with various trees by expanding my own consciousness out. I would totally feel at one with them, as if blending with the whole scene in front of me. Such a tranquil and wonderful experience. You can really feel the higher loving energies around you. It's such a cleansing.
On the Sunday we walked through a large grassy but quite wild area. There wasn't any other people around. We felt so free in that setting. As I absorbed the scene around me, I suddenly saw a formation of birds quite high up in the sky flying around and around in various formations. I tried a small experiment where I expanded my consciousness out and became One with the birds. I hadn't told my daughter what I was doing. As I expanded myself I felt myself blend with the birds, I kind of felt part of the swirling around. I sent a message to those birds to form a figure of Eight, I don't know why I chose that but maybe because it's the symbol for infinity. Suddenly my daughter just shouted "Eight". I wasn't even aware she was watching. She noticed the formation before I did, as I was in a light trance. I was absolutely amazed. As soon as she said "Eight", I suddenly saw the formation move into the Eight formation. This was a wonderful lesson in the connectedness of all things. Not only was I connected to the birds but my daughter joined in too and connected with the whole experience. If she hadn't shouted "Eight" I would have missed it.
What can I take away from this?
Just know that we are all connected, even when it seems that we're not. We are extremely courageous beautiful souls that have chosen to come in at a most pivotal time in our spiritual evolution. Just keep reminding yourself by doing the things mentioned above and stay out of fear. Replace any negative thoughts with positive and stay on course. The world we truly want to live in, IS within our reach. We just need to spread our light and simply BE.
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