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How do we make abundance work in the universe? Not through wanting alone. The myth of wanting alone is unsupportive of our endeavours. Abundance requires our alignment with power, grace and passion, and a WILLINGNESS to deny the principles of fear and scarcity. There is no limitation in God’s universe. This acknowledgement brings the physical universe into sync with our creative powers, rooted in who we really are.
1) Intention: Is our intention for what we desire coming from a sense of true conviction deep inside? If so, that is a sign that we are aligning ourselves with our soul’s purpose. This is the key to our abundance. Our intention should generate passion, and vision. This is how we know we are aligned with our souls purpose, by ensuring what we want resonates with our hearts desire. If we are unsure about the passion, make a vision quest or pray/meditate for a time for inner conviction.
2) Creating a sacred space: we need create a sacred space by intentionally creating a web of energy around us, to be our platform for abundance. We can do this by creating our own prayer that calls loving energy to form a powerhouse around us. We can call on angels, ancestors, saints, ancient spirits of the land, the energy of Gaia, the power of heaven~ whatever symbolic language we want to use. The purpose is to create sustained energy around us, to set out our intention to the universe.
3) Ensure that what you desire is not inconsistent with Love. For example, if you covet somebody’s job, partner, money, and want it for yourself, the consequences will be dire in the long term. Taking away from another only creates enemies in our mind, interior guilt and a sense of loss in the long term. Purify your intention here. Wanting what another has, is an emanation from the ego mind, seeking to cause destruction in your life. If you have behaved like this in the past, intend NEV
ER to do it again; forgive yourself for mistakes made with covetous intentions, and purify your intention with love. Forgiveness from the heart for self and others cancels the effects of negative misdeeds.
4) Right intention: now if you are aligned with what your soul’s desire (in practical terms this might be your desired career, abundance for life, etc.) wish the same for everyone else in the world. Commit your mind to a belief in PLENTY. The Universe beyond this one is a universe of abundance. There is no fear or scarcity in the House of LOVE. “Give us this day our daily bread” is sandwiched between the words “Thy will be done on earth as in heaven” and “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”. We cannot believe in a Source of lack, deprivation or Divine meanness or grievances, if we want to participate in true sustained abundance. There is plenty all, and more.
5) Sustained intention: within your Sacred Space, hold up your intention to the universe. Sustain this intention over time…much time. When thoughts of lack or scarcity arise remember that you need constantly purify your intention in this sacred space. See your intention, feel your intention, but do not be too specific. Prayer studies have shown that a ‘thy will be done” attitude enables the universe to work with you in the act of creation in a much more powerful way, when we loosen the grip. There is no divinity standing over you saying “no you can’t”. Our unconscious mind does that so very well for us, and usually succeeds in sabotaging us. For this reason we need purify our intention constantly in our sacred space. Wanting, wanting and bargaining will not work. Envisioning, stating, believing, and knowing, with sustained intention within our sacred space, over a sustained period, will bring through into physicality what we desire.
6) Try it, and see what happens.
Love and blessings.
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