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Natal astrology draws up a birth chart which is a map of the sky at the moment of an individual’s birth. It shows the 12 constellations of the zodiac and where the sun, moon and planets are positioned at the time of birth. These positions depict the life and personality of the individual. The planets also represent different individuals in a person’s life (the sun, the father and the moon, the mother). The birth chart is divided into 12 houses, such as health, home, love, children, money, community, etc. In addition to each planetary sign and house placing, an astrologer takes into consideration the energies of the enquirer, their drives and challenges for instance.
Ana Isabel is an Astrologer. As an ancient art-form, it reminds her that we are part of the universe itself. To use Astrology as purely a predictive technique is to fail to use it to its full potential. When working with clients, Ana helps them make sense of their lives and to understand the dynamics of their relationships, and how the past has contributed to the person they are today. With this understanding, they can then look ahead and see how to make the most of their attributes. Life is full of challenges and our birth chart shows these. Ana feels extremely privileged to be working as an Astrologer and has now taken qualifications as a Hypnotherapist as the two together encompass the past, present and future, and reminds her of her mortality and her divinity. These disciplines helps her to help others to transform their lives and connects her with people at a deep level and on a vibration of love. Ana has always been interested in helping people gain a better understanding of life. As a teenager, others turned to her when in need. Astrology gave her a method to look deeper into a person’s motivations and she uses it is a diagnostic tool for pinpointing what is holding a person back from accomplishing their full potential. Sometimes Astrology charts can describe a person’s birth experience or even their experiences whilst still in the womb. These experiences can affect the way a person interacts with the world. Just because a person can’t remember, it doesn’t make major life events any less significant.
There is also a karmic component to Astrology and Ana has a deep interest in reincarnation and past lives. The path of our life is written in the stars! This doesn’t mean that we have no free will. It is best to think of the Astrology chart as a road map. Some landmarks are there - like the hills and rivers. Some paths might be blocked, forcing us to take other routes, but we have choices in the lessons we derive from our experiences, and we also have choices in the way we react. The kind of person we choose to be is entirely our own decision - not everyone who has a difficult start to life becomes a criminal and not everyone who has a wonderful start in life goes on to accomplish great things!
After years of working with clients and helping them to see the root of their problems, Ana wanted to help them overcome their difficulties and has discovered nothing more powerful than Hypnotherapy. The bonus of working as an Astrologer and Hypnotherapist is that regressions often prove her Astrological theories are correct. When working with a client recently, she saw a chart which indicated a problem at birth and asked her client about this but nothing was known and she could no longer ask her mother. When Ana began to work with this client in Hypnotherapy to deal with specific issues in her life, Ana thought no more about what was suspected with regard to the birth. Yet, during the second session, completely spontaneously, the client regressed. It had been a very difficult birth, showing her birth chart was correct, and that the methods Ana uses with her clients can unblock repressed aspects of the personality.
College of Psychic Studies tutor, Ana Isabel is an Astrologer, Hypnotherapist and Broadcaster. Ana is often on BBC radio and hosts an Astrology programme. You can follow her Astrological and Hypnotherapy blogs or join her on facebook. She is also on ‘Lightways’ My Spirit Radio, the internet radio station.
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