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Bloch Healing Cheshire & Manchester
Although the word ‘healer’ is still occasionally used for medical practitioners, nowadays this word is more often associated with Faith Healing (the concept that religious belief or faith can bring about healing) and Spiritual Healing (usually described as the channelling of energies from or through the healer to the patient). However, the word ‘Healer’ loses none of its power when used in a more everyday and universally experienced sense.
A Healer is a person who offers a Meeting, a moment of genuine contact with another person. If that offer is accepted then Healing takes place. In this moment of Healing there is no place for the delusion that we are not full persons, complete and free, or that we have any existence other than that which is connected with everyone and everything else. The person who is able to allow such a Meeting, even if only for the smallest moment, is changed by it forever.
Anyone can be a Healer, because everyone has Moments of Clarity in which they are free fully to Meet with another without precondition. The parent who kisses their child better may be a Healer. The teacher who cares passionately about the liberating growth and development of their students may be a Healer. Offers of Healing are commonplace; they are to be seen every day and in every place, and they Heal everyone who is able to be affected by them.
Those whose vocation it is to Heal are those rare types who have always had a sense of the possibilities of a Healthy life together with a powerful, even overwhelming, desire to share that knowledge with others. It is for this reason that the most important qualification for the professional Healer is the desire, the wish, to Heal.
Another essential qualification for the Healer is that a vibrant connection with themselves and a transparent openness to a Meeting with their Client are consistently available to them in the professional Healing situation. One person can only reassure another of a perception of reality that they themselves are able to experience.
A Healer is a person who is able to restore the confidence of another, who has temporarily forgotten the full nature of their relationship with themselves and with others (perhaps all of us at some time in our lives), that these connections are still available at any moment, and most particularly at this moment; that Healing is inevitable as soon as we are able to wish that it be so.
Copyright: Peter Bloch
Peter Bloch is a relational healer through touch based in Cheshire and Manchester.
Bloch Healing is a unique form of healing that is a sensitive, intelligent and powerful way to improve physical and psychological health. You can find many more articles on the nature of health and healing at and information about Peter’s private practice at
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