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When I was trained in the use of crystals. First of all we were taught to cleanse the crystals in filtered water, or in the light or the full moon and I imagined how it would be to leave my crystals out in the night air bathing in the moon light. Perhaps, something magical would happen to them along with their cleansing. Maybe the moon light would have some effect on them that would assist their work and be a help to their healing properties. The next full moon is on the 14th November. I plan to put my crystals in a dish and leave them outside, over night in it. I am interested to see whether they will work better after this, and will give myself and my customers Reiki treatments using them on the day after the full moon.
I wonder if they will feel different during the treatment. I have only cleansed crystals in water up to now. In astrology the full moon signifies a time to take stock of what is happening in our lives and make any necessary changes that will help us. Perhaps the full moon initiates changes in the crystals to recharge them. The full moon is thought to contain special energy which we can utilise in many ways. For renewed energy. On a full moon night the illuminated side of the moon faces the earth and the earth, moon, and sun are in approximate alignment. This could by why it is a good thing to make new plans at this time. When these planets are aligned, if we put new plans into action they will be more likely to be achieved with good results for us. The full moon brings a lot of energy and power, which we can use for our benefit and that of others.
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