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On a recent GB News programme they were interviewing a gentleman about Climate Change. He said that the world was going to end and, because of this, he was not going to have any children. Well — I have news for him and others like him. The world belongs to God and when your life ends in this world we all just go into the next world. You cannot die, you are immortal, life is endless and, by not having children, you are denying them the experience of a life on earth however long or short it might be. This gentleman seems to think that if the world blows up or is destroyed he also will be destroyed and his life will end. What does Silver Birch, our most revered Spirit Guide, say to all this.
“You will continue to exist because there is no individual or combination of individuals who have the power to destroy the whole of it. There is a limitation placed on the harm that can be done and the means that you can use or that can invented or discovered to wreak damage on such a vast scale that the world would ceased to be tenable.”
We all have to die whether it is from a nuclear missile or in a hospital bed but the same thing will happen. You simply step out of your body, take the hand of whoever has come to collect you and go with them to the next world.
Another misconception I would like to correct is this. I have heard people say that when you die you go to one of two places — Heaven or Hell! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! The next world consists of a series of levels (Jesus called them “Many Mansions”) and you will go to the level which is most suitable to your stage of development. There you will be with people who are at the same developmental stage as you are. From this level you are able to advance to higher levels.
Yet another thing I would like to clarify is the idea that to speak to God you must go to a church! In childhood we are taught to say our prayers (talk to God) at bedtime e.g. “Now I lay me down to sleep”. You can pray to God in any place, at any time,¬ at the bedside of a dying relative, on a hospital trolley which is wheeling you to the operating theatre, if the plane you are travelling in is about to crash. God is everywhere! I repeat you do not have to be in a church to speak to God!
On the TV recently I heard a prominent figure referred to as “a committed Christian.” Now to me a committed Christian is someone who tries to live a life according to God’s laws. The person referred to had committed adultery and this is one of our Ten Commandments so how could he possibly be a committed Christian? I believe in a God of Love, Mercy and Forgiveness but also a God of Justice who says “You must put right the wrongs you have committed.” The Bible tells us over and over again “What you sow you must surely reap.” This teaching is being ignored by our religious leaders which gives the impression that we can live the life we wish and not have to answer for our wrongdoings and our selfish acts. I wonder what sort of reception Putin and his Kremlin colleagues will get when they enter the next world?
It sometimes seems to me that an evil virus is spreading around the whole world when we hear of very young children being murdered, (and by their own parents too!). Innocent people being stabbed on the streets of our cities. Many of these crimes are committed by young people who are still teenagers and excuses are made to account for their behaviour and they are given low sentences. Then there is the appalling cruelty suffered by the animals who share our world with us. Who has not seen the pictures of wild animals kept in cages so that tourists can take photographs, baby animals ripped from their mothers arms, bears who are cut repeatedly to take their bile until the day they die, the little donkeys made to carry heavy loads of bricks until they die from exhaustion.
Again our beloved Spirit Guide and Teacher Silver Birch was questioned about this by an enquirer who said that people seemed to “get away with it.” In his reply Silver Birch said “Nobody gets away with it to use your parlance. The law will always fulfil itself.” He went on to say that we cannot see the results in this world as we only see the short term view. The law of cause and effect cannot be altered. Effect must follow cause and the results will be worked out in the next world. St Paul in his letter to the Romans reminds them of the words “Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord.”
I hope that these words will give some comfort to those whose lives are affected by these appalling events.
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