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Overcoming stress and panic attacks with Holistic Counselling
(Case study Example)
I started the session with an introduction, explaining who I was and what the session will entail, to make my client feel at ease. I sat opposite my client and made sure I had eye contact with her at all times.
I asked my client open ended questions and we completed the consultation/treatment card to assess the areas in which my client needed support on. I listened intently and repeated what she had told me to ensure that I had listened to my client.
My client expressed how she doesn’t have much confidence and often has panic attacks when in social situations or if she has to complete an exam or something important. She finds it hard to breath, gets short of breath and then gets into an emotional state of mind.
We discussed abdominal breathing exercises to help with the anxiety she is experiencing, to practice daily and especially when she feels the panic attack happening.
We did the 4-7-8 breathing techniques 5 times together then my client completed a few breaths on her own. With relaxing music on in the background my client instantly felt calmer and relaxed. I also suggested my client experienced a crystal healing treatment to help calm her anxieties and stress levels.
Whilst talking about her confidence and anxieties we also talked about feelings. My client gets very emotional and is quite negative on herself.
We talked about positive affirmations and to say th

panicked woman
ese daily to fuel her mind with positive thoughts and feelings.
‘I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness’
‘Think positive and positive things will happen’
‘When I breathe, I inhale confidence and exhale fear’
My client was very open about discussing her family with me. She is currently in foster care as she doesn’t have any parents. She finds it hard to build a relationship with her foster parents as she doesn’t feel a part of the family.
She tries hard but feels very isolated and that she is always in the way. I suggested being more helpful around the house and making herself more a part of the family, rather than isolating herself from them.
We talked about the positive things that happen in her family life and what she enjoys doing.
We wrote down the activities she has previously done with the family that have made her happy.
Cycling, picnic, theme park and swimming. We then wrote down the emotions she had when doing the activities- happiness, excitement, fun and laughter.
My client enjoyed talking about the positives times she has had with her foster family. I suggested that when my client feels upset or sad about her family life to think of a positive time when she was happy.
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