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Flower Bach remedies consultation for Anxiety
Bach Flower Remedies for Anxiety - Case Study
Initial consultation - My client is an old school friend who I’ve not seen for around ten years. She came to me after hearing about me doing the Bach flower course and wondered if i could help her. I asked her to take a seat and asked if she would like a coffee, tea or cold beverage. Because Client has minimal knowledge about the remedies, I informed her about dr Bach, his background and flower remedies.
Remedies for Emotional States - Flower remedies are medicines for emotional states of mind and aim to re-balance negative states. Remedies are designed to help transform emotion, attitudes or patterns of behavior. These can hinder our full potential each remedy targets specific negative emotions and work by enhancing the existing positive qualities.
Safe to use - They are safe to use and are most commonly taken orally from a dropper bottle directly under the tongue, in some water, or in a spray bottle other ways could be in the bath or maybe mixed in lotion.
About Dr Bach - The man who developed flower remedies dr Bach, studied medicine in Birmingham and London. After graduating he worked as a medical officer, house surgeon and bacteriologist. Bach had known for many years that fear of illness was as worrying as the illness itself. He spent years travelling searching for new healing plants.
The client seemed pretty amazed by all that I’ve told her and was very keen to give the remedies a try, I asked Client to tell me how she was feeling today"?.
Feeling Anxious - She said everything seems to be getting her down, she feels certain family members are constantly on her back and dictates what she can and cant do. However she allows them to do it and doesn’t say a thing hoping that they’ll find something else to concentrate on.
Relying on Alcohol - Client tends to put on a brave face and a smile. She finds as a way of relaxing and getting away from it is to have a drink. She has been feeling really anxious about going out. The reason is she feels people are staring and talking about her but doesn’t know why or what they might be talking about she usually spends her time indoors at home sitting in front of the tv. "
Root Cause - I asked Client if she knew why her family feels the need to interfere? She said she fell into a bad crowd and has made mistakes. None she is proud of, she was young and stupid. But that was back when she was seventeen. She is twenty eight now and has grown and matured, but feels they need to trust her more and let go of the past.
Family Upsets - I don’t want to upset the family and cause arguments one of the reasons why she hasn’t said anything. (Will need to recommend you to my family members she said maybe you can help them let go of the past).
Reasons to Drink - " you said you drink as a means to escape and to relax, is it because of your family members getting onto you and stressing you out or is it because of family and the anxiety and... spending your days in front of the tv?" my client responded not all the time. When I cant go out because I get really anxious. I feel stressed, upset and angry I will again turn to the drink. Its not purely my family. its everything together.
Diet & Life Style choices - I asked Client to explain to me "what her diets like"?.
She said she mostly eats takeaways. The reason being she doesn’t like going out much anymore. She struggles getting her weekly shop and stated she doesn’t like doing it online either.
Selecting the correct Remedies - As I now think I have all the information for this first session that I need and thank my client for being honest and opening up to me. I can now make

bach flowers
up some bach flower remedies.
Using Rescue Remedy - Recommend the following remedies; first of all rescue remedy- this is a quick fix for emergency’s only and should not be considered a long term solution, it wont do any harm to take it everyday however it does not address the underlying problem that exists. Try and carry this around with you wherever you go it will help calm last minute anxiety and can be helpful to reduce stress.
Agrimony Remedy - This is perfect for people who dislike conflict and hide there true feelings and problems behind a mask. And for people who inevitably resort to alcohol or drugs.
Aspen - I would also recommend aspen- this is for people that have anxieties, fears or superstitions that have no real focus. It will work on strengthening your ability to trust yourself and your life. By taking this it will help with your fear and anxiety of going out.
Centaury for when you cant say No - This remedy is for people who have trouble in saying no, when taken it will not change you and make you heartless or insensitive. It simply allows freedom and strength to create boundaries and limits.
Dosage - Depending on how you choose to take the remedies will depend on the dosage. The easiest way is to fill a glass with water and add two drops each of the appropriate remedy and then drink small amounts until you feel better. It would be 4 drops of the rescue remedy because its a combination remedy.
Making up a Treatment bottle - If you would like to make your remedy’s portable then mix up a treatment bottle using a 30ml dropper bottle, add two drops of each of the remedies for the problem, four drops if its the rescue remedy and then fill with mineral water. Do not use carbonated water. To keep it fresh put it into the fridge and a teaspoon of brandy can be added to the mixture.
Diet Advise - As well as the remedies you eat eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs. Drink plenty of water and also look at other activities like yoga or meditation which all help to improve mood and anxiety levels.
Follow Up - I arrange to see my client again in around three to four weeks to see how she was getting on with the remedies and to see how she was feeling.
Treatment Card - I completed a treatment card so I would know which remedies where prescribed. I informed the client that they need not be concerned regarding any allergies as analysis has shown no plant derived material is found in a stock bottle.
Follow up advise - I also informed client not to worry if you feel as though the negative emotions appear to strengthen. This happens because the remedies bring the negative emotion to your awareness and it appears the emotions are stronger because you are more aware of them. You may experience some reactions in the form of rash or body temperature. But please don’t let the reactions put you off using the remedies. It is the safest and gentlest form of medicine.
Client Feed back - When Client returned 4 weeks later I could instantly tell she was feeling better and she agreed with this. She spoke to family members, told them how she felt and told them to back off. She stated "I don’t drink as much as a result of the family stressing me out and I’ve been out shopping with family and friends". Although stated she had not been out on her own just yet. She said it wasn’t instant it took a while but she could defiantly feel the difference in her anxiety levels. She requested a further visit in a few weeks.
A course in Bach Flower Remedies:
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