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This book came about because of a deck of oracle cards that a friend kindly gifted to me, with the message that she’d been given, to work with them as soon as possible. That is what I did. No readings. I simple took a card intuitively every day or so and sat with it, connected with the tree’s energy and wrote down what came to me. Of course, I couldn’t help a bit of cross checking with the accompanying book and I was amazed at what had come through that matched – plus a few extras! It was towards the end of the deck, that a few trees seemed to trigger poems, or I’d like to think the trees gifted me them! That is when inspiration struck – I needed to write a book about the trees of Ogham! There are many books available about the Ogham alphabet and how the symbols were used in olden times as a secret language and they can be worked with for divination, but I’ve not yet come across poetry. Anyway, here is an exerpt and the complete book can be downloaded for free on the website. No personal

details are collected.
The Light Half of the Year
Sweet scented apple, pink blossom on the tree.
Dear, sweet apple, please heal me.
Heal my heart, heal my soul,
Apples bobbing in a bowl.
Bonfire night,
Fire so bright.
Bobbing for apples, take a bite,
Bitter or sweet, see the light.
The lesson of apple of unconditional love,
Apple. Soft, nurturing, teaching, choices. Your hand fits which glove?
Pink and green, green and pink.
Step back, connect with apple, don’t over think.
Blessed is the apple tree
Or Quert, its other name shall be.
Much to learn, much to glean
From the apple tree, sharing that which should be seen.
Soft and pretty, food for so many.
Worth so much more than a pretty penny.
Often overlooked but, the apple of my eye.I breathe your sweet scent and let out a deep sigh.
Thank you apple, for all the gifts you share.
Lead me to the orchard, I’ll be there!
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