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BUSS is the umbrella organisation for a number of Spiritist Centres spread around the UK. The International Spiritist Council oversees activities in over 60 countries. These Centres are mainly visited by Brazilian and Portuguese people living and working here but more and more British and European citizens are becoming interested in the Spiritist world. Many of us go weekly for study, healing, prayer and mediumship.
Spiritism is a way of life following Christian principles, revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec which constitute the Spiritist codification: The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, the Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and Genesis. Allan Kardec was a distinguished French scientist, educator and philosopher. 1804 – 1869. He wrote “Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world”.
Spiritists believe in reincarnation: a human being is a Spirit incarnated in a material body. The perispirit is the semi-material body which unites the Spirit to the physical body. Human beings are given the free will to act but they must answer for the consequences of their actions. Good Spirits attract us towards goodness but the Imperfect Spirits induce us towards error.
The Spiritist movement in Brazil has 20 million people a week visiting Spiritist Centres which are spread all over the country. After the Roman Catholic Church it is the second religion in Brazil. Spiritist hospitals in Brazil help to treat people with various mental illnesses. Working alongside conventional medicine, they have a good success rate. Here in the UK the Spirit Release Foundation branch of the Royal College of Psychiatrists have close links with their Brazilian colleagues. We have had Brazilian, British and American Speakers at the three ‘Medicine and Spirituality’ Congresses organised by BUSS in London in 2007, 2009 and 2011.
All of us have times in our lives when we need to face the realities of life. The book ‘for moments of doubt and difficulty’ was received by Chico Xavier from the Spirit Andre Luiz. Chic(o) Xavier 1910 – 2002 was the most famous medium of his day and twice nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in the 1980s.
The power of prayer can not be underestimated. Remember the Chilean miners trapped underground for weeks. Prayer certainly helped them. 9/11 made me say my prayers nightly thereafter. Spiritists regularly do a ‘Gospel at Home’ at the same time each week, say on a Sunday, for 20 minutes or so. All you need is: a glass of water, Bible and prayers. We use the Gospel According to Spiritism. Opening it at random and read out a section. It is not a book to read from cover to cover but to dip into as and when the need arises. Say the prayers out loud, if you wish. It is a good discipline to do the Gospel regularly. The Good Spirits will get to know this time and place, providing you with protection and a good ambience.
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