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Photo ©. Glyn Edwards,
taken in 2002 by 'the big tree' in
the grounds of the Arthur Findlay
Extracts about Glyn from a longer biography about him in the 'expanded' anthology of his wisdom, 'The Potential of Mediumship: A Collection of Essential Teachings and Exercises'.
Glyn Edwards was born in Liverpool on 17th August 1949 During in his Earth-life, Glyn became internationally recognised as one of the UK’s finest mediums. At 16 he joined a Benedictine community. Within this period of his life, various mediumistic experiences he had had since a child intensified, which subsequently led him to leave the community after staying for two years.
He began working regularly and publicly as a medium in his early 20s. He later became a certificated medium of the SNU (Spiritualists’ National Union) and a protégée of the world renowned medium Gordon M Higginson, and worked on a variety of projects with him for many years.
He travelled extensively, speaking, lecturing, demonstrating and running workshops throughout the UK and worldwide for over 40 years. He owed much of his early work to Jean Matheson, a long-time friend and organiser of numerous successful events and courses in the north of England, who sat for him in a highly productive development circle and helped him gain confidence in his abilities.
He was the main founder of the Gordon Higginson Fellowship and the Gordon Higginson Awareness Foundation (known now as the Glyn Edwards Spiritual Awareness Foundation), both of which ran various courses in the south of England. He was also a regular course organiser and teacher at the Arthur Findlay College for over three decades and worked at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, and was involved with the research of PRISM (Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums).
He was particularly known for the quality of his work and his ability to demonstrate his mediumship almost effortlessly in front of large audiences. On some occasions he gave a demonstration of trance mediumship. More than anything, Glyn was highly respected for his understanding of and insight into different areas of mediumistic unfoldment and his devotion to helping students explore and realise their individual potential.
He was interviewed on television and radio throughout the world, recorded many teachings and practices, wrote numerous articles on mediumship and spiritual growth, and co-authored two development manuals. Both of which were thoroughly revised and given new titles in 2011: 'The Spirit World in Plain English' and 'Spirit Gems'. Glyn was also extensively featured in two in-depth interviews in the book 'Realms of Wondrous Gifts',* released in 2008, and featured in a book called 'The Best of British', which was released to coincide with the new millennium. The anthology of his wisdom, 'The Potential of Mediumship', was first released in 2012.
For a while, he undertook instruction from a re

Photo ©. Glyn Edwards,
photo taken in 1999 for a back
cover author's photo of his first and
nowned tantric yoga master, Sri Jammu Maharaj, as well as a teacher from the Bihar School of Yoga, Swami Dharmananda Saraswati Maharaj, who gave him the name Devadasa (meaning ‘servant of God’). Along with eastern wisdom and practices such as Mindfulness, Glyn was for many years deeply inspired by the teachings of the New Thought writer and teacher Ernest Holmes, took serious interest in the revival of Centring Prayer pioneered by Thomas Keating, and found times being amongst Nature an important part of his spiritual life.
In 2003 he made the front page of Psychic News (which he had done many times in his mediumistic life) after being struck-down by a mystery illness that affected the muscles on the left side of his face as well as his balance and often used a stick for walking from then on. After this, he showed how determination and the power of the spirit can overcome adversity. Remarkably many testified to how his work and teachings moved on to a deeper level. He personally found this chapter in his life opening up many profound insights and experiences that expanded his mediumistic and spiritual understanding.
In the late spring of 2014 he was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemotherapy. Although it became clear Glyn was not responding well to the treatment, he insisted on teaching up to the last and even dictated an article from his hospital bed towards the end of his Earth-life. He remained positive and passed to spirit peacefully with his mother and sister, Elaine, by his side at 10 am on 31st May 2015.
A service for close friends and family was held in the morning at Crownhill Crematorium, Milton Keynes on 12th June. A celebration of his life was especially held in the afternoon at Akeley Village Hall for public attendance and to coincide with his youngest brother, Delwyn, and one of Glyn’s best friends being in the UK at the same time. People whose lives had been touched by Glyn came from as far as Scotland, Germany, Sweden and Holland. Other celebration and memorial services and remembrances of Glyn’s life were also organised, including one in the United States, and one by the SNU at the Arthur Findlay College on its Open Week in 2016.
Glyn’s work lives on of course in his books, recordings and with various people and students he helped, many of whom have become teachers and mediums in their own rights. There has even been reports of him communicating via some working mediums and mediumistic development circles, and the Glyn Edwards Spiritual Awareness Foundation continues to run courses honouring his name.
*Glyn especially requested the ‘Realms’ book to be written, and for it to be published by the Gordon Higginson Fellowship, one of the organisations Glyn founded.
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