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Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)
Foreword by Ian Mowll
Paperback 144 pages
(Kindle eBook edition also available)
Published by Earth Books
ISBN 978-1-84694-509-0
RRP £9.99 / $19.95 (USD)
‘Spirituality Unveiled’ puts forward a succinct and compelling synthesis of numerous spiritual traditions. While weaving together insights from contemporary and past masters of spirituality, along with holistic and Earth centred wisdom, it beautifully highlights teachings about the essentials of creative unfoldment.
‘Spirituality Unveiled’ invites readers to join in the important search to find a healthy interaction with life. Key areas include the power of creativity, the effects of positive and negative actions, and harmonious living with the natural world.
“‘Spirituality Unveiled’ reveals the non-separateness, wholeness, oneness and harmony of life and nature, as well as the unity of the incarnate and discarnate world of the spirit. It unveils a deep compassion that is needed at this point in time to embrace all levels of life.”
– Glyn Edwards, medium and co-author of ‘The Spirit World in Plain English’.
“‘Spirituality Unveiled’ is for the here and now … it motivates us to live compassionately and face the challenges of contemporary life with hope.
– Ian Mowll, Interfaith minister.
“This is an example of integral thinking at its best. Santoshan has achieved a masterful synthesis.”
– Marian Van Eyk McCain, East-West psychologist, author and editor ‘GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness’.
“This is a timely book which points a way forward. It also puts God’s beautiful creation back at the heart of our relation with the divine and this for so many people is their most immediate connection with spirit.”
– June Raymond, a Sister of Notre Dame.
“Often, books that widely embrace spirituality do so with an oppressive complexity or suspiciously systemic program. ‘Spirituality Unveiled’ does neither; it is inviting, accessible and hospitable, much like any authentic and compassionate spirituality.”
– Matthew Henry, D.Min President, Creation Spirituality Communities.

Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)
A thought provoking, compelling read, which I could not put down. ‘Spirituality Unveiled’ stirred my inner being, encouraged me to re-evaluate where I was, be more mindful about the environment and rekindled my spiritual journey.”
– Patricia Coram, semi-retired disability carer and ‘rekindled’ spiritual seeker.
“Step by step, Santoshan leads us into the depths of an ‘authentic spirituality’ for our times … I strongly recommend this practical, thoughtful, well-written book to all in our generation looking for guidance and inspiration to ‘do the right thing’.”
– Don Hills, retired educational psychologist and member of the GreenSpirit Council and Coastwise, North Devon.
Stephen has served as a council member of GreenSpirit (, their editorial and publishing team and is the designer of GreenSpirit Magazine. He was given the name Santoshan (contentment) by an English swami who trained at the Bihar School of Yoga and has a creative background as a spiritual writer, graphic designer, artist and musician. He was the principal bass guitarist of one of London’s first punk rock bands, The Wasps (see Facebook page and YouTube), and is the author and coauthor of several books on spiritual matters, including ‘Spirituality Unveiled: Awakening to Creative Life’ (Earth Books 2011), ‘Realms of Wondrous Gifts: Psychic, Mediumistic and Miraculous Powers in the Great Mystical and Wisdom Traditions’ (revised Smashwords eBook edition 2012) and ‘The House of Wisdom: Yoga Spirituality of the East and West’ (Mantra Books 2007).
After a significant mystical experience when he was 19 he went on to do a degree in Religious Studies and a Post Graduate Certificate in Religious Education at King’s College London and also studied Psychosynthesis psychology. In recent years he has helped to establish The Gordon Higginson Fellowship ( and write two popular development manuals (‘The Spirit World in Plain English’ and ‘Spirit Gems’) with the renowned UK medium, Glyn Edwards, and has taken a deep interest in creative, Yogic and Nature centred spiritualities. As well as profiled on various websites, books authored and co-authored by Stephen have their own Facebook pages.
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